Bottom Line Results, LLC


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November 17, 2014 Issue

The Most Powerful Name In Corporate News and Information


Human Capital Performance Technology Suite for Bottom Line Improvements



About Bottom Line Results, LLC

Bottom Line Results, LLC is a group of Human Capital Business professional who have set out to fundamentally change the way organizations drive Bottom Line Results with its revolutionary 10Rule Strategy and technologies.


Our Human Capital Performance Technology suite of solutions will improve, in a multitude of ways, how client companies HR organizational development strategy, recruiting, and talent development. Our offering can drive new sources of revenues for organizations, while adding significant shareholder value. We offer propriety cloud-based technology that is built upon 25 years of work in proven clinical science (brain mapping psychology), and business strategy research and implementation.


Gary Morais
Chief Managing Partner


Gary is Bottom Line Results LLC Chief Managing partner. He has been a business strategist to CEO’s and President’s for over 25 years. Gary is an expert in developing the Human Capital Performance standard for measuring, benchmarking, hiring and developing human performance, that impact productivity mitigates corporate risks and drives stronger bottom line results. He has applied his techniques and SaaS bases Human Capital Performance Transformational technologies across a number of industries including, Manufacturing, Transportation, Retail, Healthcare, Hospitality, Finance, Banking, Construction, Retail, Technology, Services, Agriculture, and Electronics. Companies. He has helped with workforce transformation with hundreds of companies like Charles Schwab, Standard Insurance, VeriSign, Ultimate Software, Zebra Technologies, Raytheon, Pebble Beach Corporation, Baskin-Robbins, Ricoh Electronics, Ranch Fresh Foods, Pizza Hut to name a few.


Gary brings specific specialties in workforce transformation in the areas of Talent Performance Predictive Analytics, Workforce Performance Execution Intelligence, Health and Risk solutions, HR Performance Analytics, HR Performance Execution Benchmarking.


In addition Gary has over 17 years of in private practice as a psychotherapist, providing individual and corporate employee behavioral performance and health solutions. He also worked with MD’s helping their patients to get off medications, lower stress and back to better health and productivity.


He has appeared produced 20 programs for television and been frequent guest on TV in southern California Orange County channel helping people to understand themselves and others better. He has also been a featured guest on various weekly call-in radio programs. Gary has served on numerous boards of private and non-profit organizations. He is a Masters level graduate from University of San Francisco


Gary enjoys reading about biblical history, scripture, spending time with family, grand kids and fine bourbon.


Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor, CEOCFO Magazine, Published – November 17, 2014


CEOCFO: Mr. Morais, what is the concept of Bottom Line Results?

Mr. Morais: They concept of the company is to be able to sustainably replicate the top ten percent of an organization by measuring, hiring and developing towards the top ten percent. In other words, we have thrown out the 80/20 rule and replace it with the 10Rule. This provides the power to sustainably replicate the top 10% performers in any position of an organization by measuring top performer characteristics, benching, then hiring and developing towards these top performer characteristics, which are unique to each position at each company. This allows CEO’s to sustainably grow their organizations that drives the bottom line with a high ROI. In other words, we have a sustainable metric that we have perfected from the algorithms in the brain that link to performance, which link directly to the bottom line results of the organization.


CEOCFO: How are you able to figure this out when others have not, or have people not looked for a better way?

Mr. Morais: People have been in this arena for the last six decades, but none have approached the problem in the same manner or achieve the development of a remotely similar patent suite of technologies.


The difference is I used to be a psychotherapist in Monterey and did brain mapping where we took people with psychological problems and had the algorithm in their brain that linked to pain.


Having breakfast with a gentleman by the name of Earl Nightingale who had a big booming voice over the radio and was well syndicate and CEO of his company in Nightingale Conant Corporation, said something that was very interesting. He said he and Mr. Conant, when they built their company, they would not do anything unless they could package or can it.


I thought not nobody has actually packaged and canned and made capital a measurable hard skill. Recognizing the opportunity, took five years of research, worked with Dr. Blaker, from the University of Santa Clara psychology department. Our R&D ended up was isolating the key performance thinking algorithms of the brain that link directly to the financial results. Then we had it independently validated by an a (independent company) of PhD’s that did studies for the government as well as private industry and that was our Human Capital Performance metric. Then, through many years of proof of concept in a business consultancy setting, we had to determine how to imbed that metric into the suite of Human Capital SaaS based solutions we have today that all businesses to experience workforce performance transformation by hiring and developing only top 10% performers.


10Rule is the ability to actually develop people, the assessments companies out there, (and some people do initially confuse 10Rule as an assessment company), are static in their determinations of people. Meaning they, unlike with us, they generally provide no insights or program develop people. They say, what we measure, it is your hardwired personality, it is just the way you are, or you have a certain style, you have a preference, and they leave their client companies work around those measurements. We, on the other hand, can take a person’s set of measurements, and coach (provide transformational tools) to help them to perform more like their top performer colleagues. Performance thinking was a big difference.


CEOCFO: What is an example of what and how you are measuring?

Mr. Morais: In layman’s terms, a person goes online or they are sent an email and they take a questionnaire that is 126 questions this takes around 10 minutes.

It measures the twelve critical performance drivers that link to the bottom line results.


Individual Metric - We measure Performance thinking. It’s an individual's Performance Thinking that drives the skills such as execution of sales, tasks, processes, procedures, goals, and all those things that are pertinent to an organization for talent productivity which in turn drives the bottom line results.


Job/ Position Metric - We also have a patented Job or Job family metric for replicating the top 10% percent performers of any position or job family. To describe this measurement more thoroughly, we have a triangulation method for actually identifying specifically the performance driver ranges that are critical for any particular position. In layman’s terms, it gives you a snapshot of the exact performance thinking ranges that link to the bottom line results for a given position.


Once you have these patented two metrics C-level executives can identify the entire organization and performance level of every individual and have detailed reports for every individual, not knowing how they perform normally but how they perform under stress and pressure. We have custom interviewing questionnaire report for hiring that identifies the “hot spots” that you normally would find 30-90 days out, you would know in ten minutes if they are a top performer.


Then we have an online coaching system that is equivalent to going to a therapist for like three years but not in therapist terms, but we have the detailed antidotes and provide tools for people in order to develop their maximum performance level in a matter of weeks. It is extremely cost efficient in order to measure, bench, hire and develop towards the top ten percent of the organization. Quite frankly, I do not know do any CEO that does not want that.

CEOCFO: What is the key to having people believe that this is really achievable?

Mr. Morais: We have been doing this for twenty years to develop this particular technology. I worked as a business strategist, a corporate fireman. We go in and turn companies around very quickly. What we found was that there needed to be a metric in order to in order to drive results quickly. So we built a scientific human capital performance execution metric that was proven and tested with hundreds of companies very large organizations, mid and small and across vertical markets. This resulted in imbedding this metric into a suite of products and business services, which we have patented.


To run a pilot for people to see for themselves we offer organizations a profiling the top performers they already have as well as anyone else, and then we essentially show them exactly how and why those individuals perform in the organization. This information is then used to construct the benchmark for hiring and development that drives performance transformation at every position. People with access to our reports said that it was kind of scary how much information they get in a ten minute assessment. We pride ourselves on the efficiency of our SaaS solutions. Executives not only unlock tremendous performance potential of their organizations to scale on their successes.


CEOCFO: Who is using your services and how are they engaging with you?

Mr. Morais: We worked with companies like Baskin Robbins, Raytheon and Ultimate Software. We can go down a list of different organizations that have engaged with us or are still engaging with us in this process. Because they have gotten the results, they are organizations that benefited greatly by it.


CEOCFO: Are there particular points in time when a company might decide to look at what you are offering?

Mr. Morais: I think what happens with most organizations is there is an entry point based on need. Our suite of products allow them to be able to have entry point at whatever they need whether it is leadership, recruitment, development. We also have an audit product where you can audit the entire organization for performance fit and potential and do targeted performance planning or talent planning strategy in the organization. There is really a point of need that any company has, whether they are aware or not, so because we have products that are all based around the aim of increasing performance and leadership capability of the organization, they can enter it at just about any point with the products.


CEOCFO: How do you compare or garner attention with other types of training programs as opposed to the recruitment process? How do you distinguish from the many firms that claim they can train people to do anything?

Mr. Morais: We found that when it comes to training individuals, people can have common issues that affect them both at work and at home. What happens when we use our target performance coaching, (which is an online system customizes to an individual’s measurements conducted by our systems) not only does it dramatically improve their performance in ways specific to their development needs with regard to what their organization requires of them, but it also helps them at home because we help them at the subconscious level. This process is a silver bullet for driving employee engagement. The coaching process we employ is based on approximately ten years of experience from a clinical standpoint, melded with 20 years of proof of concept in business consulting. I used to work with a group of doctors when I had my practice. What this also does is lead to, a 10-50 percent reduction in the individual’s anxiety. The algorithms in the brain, when you have two opposing thought processes, it causes internal tension, so we also simultaneously address that by incorporating ways for lowering the tension or stress or fear based levels the individuals have, as well as at the same time, giving them the tools for leadership skills and increased performance. There is no other coaching product like it out on the market today, which we know for a fact because people tell us over and over again that this is completely differentiated from everyone else’s offering. The other thing that I would like to point out, in the training side of our service suite, is because performance thinking and the language of performance thinking is so simple for the organizations to adopt, what we are finding is that it puts everyone on the a common performance language. Thus, we will often do individual training for groups of hiring managers, directors, VPs in the organization so they can all be working off exactly the same performance page in terms of upstanding how performance thinking levels impact their employees’ and colleagues’ performance.


CEOCFO: How do you marry personality and corporate culture?

Mr. Morais: I have been in this business for over thirty years. When you have a private practice, you understand what different personalities are like. What I have found is an individual’s Performance Thinking (or how a person executes on their tasks) is what impacts business results not personality. Why is it that two people with very similar personalities, one performs well and the other one does not? It is because of their performance thinking or what we call Performance TQ, or Performance thinking quotient. You might have two people with the same IQ and could be geniuses. Why is it that one may perform and the other will not t? It is their performance TQ, the true driver of performance-fit and capability. That is what we measure. The critical factor is it is nice to have pleasant people in the organization, but we found that some people may not have quite the best personality (or shy) yet they are excellent performers, and at the end of the day, it is really what works best for the organization. Understanding this very important difference is what puts executives in the driver’s seat and greater productivity.


CEOCFO: What is your geographic reach?

Mr. Morais: We have worked with partnering relationships with people in the Asian Pacific as well as Europe and domestically here in the United States.

CEOCFO: Do you see geographic expansion as important for you or opportunistic?

Mr. Morais: This is a multibillion dollar global market, that being human capital performance technology and services that boost business performance and leadership. The key is with our Software as a service approach and being first to market with this new disruptive technology suite we are poised well with our domestic in Canada market. We wanted to be able to capture performance and leadership data from a completely different standpoint simply because it had never been proven. Human capital performance had never been considered a measurable hard skill, so we created a tangible metric to drive actionable data. Much like the tape measure that provides actionable data in constructions settings, what we have developed is the tape measure of human capital performance-fit and potential. CEO’s and CFO’s all want to be able to sustainably replicate their top 10% perfuming talent that links to the bottom line results of their organizations.


CEOCFO: What surprised you as the company had grown and developed has gone from concept to reality?

Mr. Morais: Peering into corporations has been fascinating but also a little sad. Only 30% of people feel engaged. Thankfully we are changing that one client company at a time. I also think what has been so surprising is people have been frustrated for many decades into thinking that human capital performance is just this a squishy soft skill. That is the biggest issue that we are finding, that oftentimes when you explain to people that we now have it as a measurable hard skill, and they sometimes put their skeptical hats on, which is normal and understandable, but they need to actually experience the product and realize that this is completely different. That has been kind of surprising for the resistance but is still understandable.


CEOCFO: Put it together for our readers, why pay attention to Bottom Line Results and 10rule today?

Mr. Morais: Pay attention because companies today can save a great deal of money. They are throwing money at symptoms and not the source of the problem. Because of the metric that we have, we are able to identify the exact source of where the challenges and problems and provide proven tools very quickly so that the company can hire and develop the right people to drive the results that they expect and need in a tangible and measureable way. Billions of dollars are lost each year in absolutely unnecessary expenditures trying to solve problems which are really just symptoms. This is why we developed our patented SaaS services to find the exact origin of what is causing the problem and then provide them the exact tools to affect chance and get results, and at the same time provide for them a substantial ROI. That is what Bottom Line Results is all about, sustainably replicating the top 10% percent of the organization to drive workforce performance transformation.


“CEO’s and CFO’s all want to be able to sustainably replicate their top 10% performing talent that links to the bottom line results of their organizations… Billions of dollars are lost each year in absolutely unnecessary expenditures trying to solve problems which are really just symptoms. This is why we developed our patented SaaS services to find the exact origin of what is causing the problem and then provide them the exact tools to effect chance and get results, and at the same time provide for them a substantial ROI.”
- Gary Morais


Bottom Line Results, LLC

7100 Georgetown

Santa Barbara, CA 93117


Bottom Line Results, LLC
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Human Capital Business, Bottom Line Results, LLC, Business Services Companies, CEO Interviews 2014, Gary Morais, Human Capital Performance Technology Suite for Bottom Line Improvements, 10Rule Strategy and technologies, solutions to improve HR organizational development strategy, recruiting, and talent development, Recent CEO Interviews, propriety SaaS, cloud-based technology built upon proven clinical science, brain mapping psychology, and business strategy research and implementation, sustainably replicate the top ten percent of an organization by measuring, hiring and developing towards the top ten percent, sustainably replicate the top 10% performers in any position of an organization by measuring top performer characteristics, benching, then hiring and developing towards these top performer characteristics, which are unique to each position at each company, sustainably grow organizations that drives the bottom line with a high ROI, a sustainable metric that we have perfected from the algorithms in the brain that link to performance, which link directly to the bottom line results of the organization, Bottom Line Results, LLC Press Releases, News, Companies looking for venture capital, Angel Investors, private companies looking for investors, business services companies seeking investors, human capital companies needing investment capital, 10rule blog does not purchase or make
recommendation on stocks based on the interviews published.