Atna Resources Ltd. (ATN-TSX)
Interview with:
David Watkins, M. Sc., President and CEO
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and Information on their
Pinson gold property in Nevada.


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Atna Resources’ technical team has a proven track record and the skills to not only find deposits but also to build and operate them

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Atna Resources Ltd.

Suite 510-510 Burrard Street
Vancouver, B.C. V6B 3A8
Phone: 604-684-2285

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David Watkins, M. Sc.
President and CEO

David Watkins, M. Sc.
President and CEO

Mr. Watkins is an international mining executive with 35 years experience in exploration and development, acquisitions and mergers, and mining operations. Mr. Watkins was President of Cyprus Exploration and Development Corporation and Senior Vice President, Exploration for Cyprus Amax Minerals Company for six years prior to joining Atna.

Cyprus Amax (acquired by Phelps Dodge Corporation) was a U.S. based, Fortune 500, multi-national mining company, which produced copper, molybdenum, gold, lithium, and coal, and had annual revenue of US $3.2 billion. Mr. Watkins joined Falconbridge Copper Ltd. as an Exploration Geologist in 1977 and became Chief Geologist responsible for exploration in Quebec and mine operations at Lake Dufault and Opemiska in 1980.

Mr. Watkins was appointed Vice President, Exploration in 1986 and rose to the position of President of Minnova Inc., the successor company to Falconbridge Copper, in 1991. Minnova was a base metal and gold mining company with five operating underground and open pit mines with 2,000 employees in Quebec, Ontario and British Columbia. During Mr. Watkins tenure at Minnova, the company experienced rapid growth and achieved a market capitalization of $500 million.

He graduated with a M.Sc. degree in Geology from Carleton University in Ottawa in 1970 and a B.A. in Geology from Queen's University at Kingston in 1967. During the early part of his career, Mr. Watkins worked with Newmont Mining and with Noranda as an exploration geologist in various parts of the world, including Australia, Mexico, Ecuador, and Canada.

Interview conducted June 2005 by:  Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor of

CEOCFO: Mr. Watkins, will you tell us about your background with Atna?
Mr. Watkins: “I have been with Atna for about five years now. I joined Atna after having been a senior vice president with Cyprus-Amax Minerals Company, responsible for their worldwide exploration and project development. I decided that it would be fun to take on a junior company and try to build it into a significant corporation.”

CEOCFO: How is that working?
Mr. Watkins: “We are excited with the success that we are having right now. Our most advanced project is driving toward completion of a feasibility study and production as early as the second quarter of 2006. Our success here will add significant value to our shareholders.”

CEOCFO: Will you tell us some of the details about the project?
Mr. Watkins: “The project is the Pinson Property. It is a gold property in Nevada that we have under option agreement from Pinson Mining Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Barrick Gold Corporation. The property is a past producer that Barrick closed in 2000. It was previously an open pit operation and we recognized the potential for some high-grade feeders below the old pits. Our exploration program over the last year has been focused on discovering and defining a resource estimate of 1.8 million ounces of gold. We are now driving underground to complete a feasibility study, which we anticipate to have done by the end of this year.”

CEOCFO: Where does the project go from there?
Mr. Watkins: “Assuming the project advances as anticipated, we could see the Pinson property producing by the second quarter of next year (2006). The key to the success, is that not only is Pinson a high-grade body of mineralization, with average grades in excess of a third of an ounce, but the huge amount of infrastructure in the district implies minimal capital expenditure. We will be able to custom process the ore mined precluding the large capital expenditures associated with building a plant. Much of the other infrastructure is already in-place on the property; things such as electrical substations, roads, water pipelines, water rights and so on. The project has a low barrier to entry, particularly in the context of a junior company like Atna.”

CEOCFO: Do you have the option to acquire it from Pinson and how much interest do you currently own?
Mr. Watkins: “We have an option to acquire the property from Pinson initially acquiring 70% interest in the property by spending US$12 million; the cost of the feasibility study we anticipate the completion of at year-end. Upon completion of the earn-in, several options are triggered for Pinson. Pinson could participate pro-rata as a 30% interest joint venture partner or they could choose to back in to increase their interest to 70% in which they would carry us for the next $30 million of expenditures on the property over a 3-year time period. Should they not choose either option, Atna may elect to buy the property for a 100% interest. All of the scenarios will create significant value for Atna shareholders.”

CEOCFO: Did you just hire a project manager for that?
Mr. Watkins: “That is correct. We had an excellent V.P. of Operations who was responsible for the early-stage planning, organization and implementation on a part-time basis. We recently hired a project manager to take on the now, full-time job of integrating the ongoing work on site, including; construction of surface facilities, underground workings, permitting requirements, metallurgical testing and a variety of other things that go with the mining operation.”

CEOCFO: You have things going on in Chile as well.
Mr. Watkins: “We are fortunate to have some highly potential properties in Chile. While we have not been active in Chile for several years, we have maintained the projects we felt were the best prospects, patiently looking for the kinds of partner that we thought could advance it. We have an excellent partner and they are having success in the work they are doing. We are excited about the potential of that.”

CEOCFO: Are there other properties you are actively working?
Mr. Watkins: “We have six exploration properties in our Nevada portfolio. Our strategy is to build a successful gold exploration, development and mining enterprise and our focus is Nevada. Nevada is one of the most productive gold districts in the world. Nevada is a relatively new camp, a place with good potential and where new discoveries are continually made. We have properties in British Columbia, Yukon, and Chile and will look for the right opportunities to advance these properties but our focus moving forward is on Nevada.”

CEOCFO: How are you financing for the expansion?
Mr. Watkins: “We are presently in reasonably good financial condition; however we recognize that as the project advances and company expands, we will need more financing. We will have a few milestones as we progress towards production that could represent opportunities to go into the market and raise additional capital.”

CEOCFO: What sets Atna apart from other exploration companies?
Mr. Watkins: “I think the unique thing about Atna is that we are truly an emerging gold producer. There are a number of excellent exploration companies out there but not another one that I can think of that has the potential to enter into production in the relatively short-term; that is to say less than a year, and with the relatively low capital requirement that we have. To turn that around in a short period, we anticipate the probability of being in the position of generating good cash flow and looking for additional opportunities of continuing its growth. We have some in the pipeline already and there are many other opportunities out there, which we are beginning to look at.”

CEOCFO: Do you focus on garnering the interest of investors?
Mr. Watkins: “Yes, we sure do! Our shareholder base has an interesting history. The company has been around for 21 years. It went through a discovery cycle with a high-grade deposit in the Yukon in 1996-1997. Many institutional investors came in at that time. For a variety of reasons, that deposit has not yet developed but over time the interest in it diminished and the institutional investors withdrew causing the company to hit a low in the early part of 2001-2002. With a very broad shareholder base and a lack of interest in what was going on, we refocused the company on the gold strategy in Nevada and have been rebuilding investor interest since that time. We have gone from a broad almost exclusively retail base to include a number of institutional shareholders that are now a significant part of our shareholder list.”

CEOCFO: In closing, what should potential investors realize about Atna that may not be apparent at first glance?
Mr. Watkins: “I think the point I would start with is always good people; we have an excellent technical team with the skills not only to find deposits but to build them and operate them, with a proven track record of having done that. We have a board with both technical and financial backgrounds at the senior level. I think good management and governance are key features that will help make Atna the success we expected it to be. Following that comes the quality of the projects. We have a good, conservative, technical team with the ability and experience to create a successful gold exploration, development and mining enterprise and we have the prospective project, Pinson, to initiate the game-plan.”


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“I think the unique thing about Atna is that we are truly an emerging gold producer. There are a number of excellent exploration companies out there but not another one that I can think of that has the potential to enter into production in the relatively short-term; that is to say less than a year, and with the relatively low capital requirement that we have. To turn that around in a short period, we anticipate the probability of being in the position of generating good cash flow and looking for additional opportunities of continuing its growth. We have some in the pipeline already and there are many other opportunities out there, which we are beginning to look at.” - David Watkins, M. Sc.


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