Universal Healthcare Management Systems, Inc. (UHMG)
Interview with:
Kenneth N. Hankin, Chairman, President and CEO
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and Information on their
comprehensive Oncology Care and Wellness Centers that address therapeutic treatment with radiation and chemotherapy as needed, plus elimination and correction of the causes of the cancer and rebuilding the body’s immune system.

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Universal Healthcare Management Systems – is developing centers in order to fight cancer with mainstream therapies and alternative treatments

Healthcare Management

Universal Healthcare Management Systems, Inc.

3801 N. University Drive, Suite 317
Sunrise, FL 33351
Phone: 954-748-3322

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Kenneth N. Hankin
Chairman, President and
Chief Executive Officer

Interview conducted by:
Lynn Fosse
Senior Editor

January 2004

KENNETH N. HANKIN currently serves as the President, Chairman of the Board and CEO of the Company.  Although he did some work in biomedical engineering in the 1960s, his immersion into the healthcare profession intensified early in 2000 when he became Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice-President of Radiation Centers of America, Inc. and all of its subsidiaries.

Mr. Hankin has spent more than 30-years as an executive involved in the management of several diverse companies.  He served as President and CEO of Global Marketing, President and CEO of King Brand Products, President and CEO of International Management & Trust, President and CEO of Global Finance and Mortgage Loan, Vice-President and Director of Allied Marketing, Vice-President of Sales of Wolfberry Advertising & Productions, and National Sales Manager and Marketing Director of Sunwise Corp.   While serving as Chief Operating Officer and Vice-President of Sales for Xela Corporation, Mr. Hankin increased sales by $45 million in only 5-months.

When he worked for the Department of Defense, he was in a highly classified position performing administrative business related responsibilities such as the staff management of a few hundred persons, preparation of various budgets, contracts, purchasing, research and development, etc. for very sophisticated electronic and computerized systems.  This position required extensive travel throughout the world and interaction with highly diversified groups of people.   He also worked at the University of Miami Marine Lab as an electrical engineer and oceanographer.  Mr. Hankin served as a Past Officer of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, past President of the Mineralogical and Lapidary Guild, member of the Zoological Society, the International Bonsai Society and the International Oceanographic Foundation.

He attended the University of Florida and is degreed as a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the University of Miami in 1965.   Mr. Hankin furthered his education at Georgetown University and George Washington University while he was with the Department of Defense in Washington, D.C. and also holds degrees in Mathematics, Oceanography, Marine Biology and a Masters in Business Administration.

Company Profile:
Universal Healthcare Management Systems, Inc. (OTC: UHMG) is on a mission to develop a nationwide network of comprehensive Oncology Care and Wellness Centers that provide communities with state-of-the-art therapeutic, diagnostic and screening capabilities coupled with preventive care and maintenance programs that treat the body as a whole, not just the disease.  Growth, success and stability of the organization will be assured by experienced and innovative leadership and management. Universal Healthcare Management Systems will provide excellence of medical care, attention to technical detail, and dedication to comforting oncology patients, by helping to alleviate the pain, suffering and death caused by cancer and other debilitating diseases.

The company’s goal is to consolidate oncological treatment services such as radiation, chemotherapy, brachytherapy and hormonal therapy into a cost effective, practical and efficient system, providing patients with effective integrative medicine, by combining the best of mainstream and alternative medicine. The Company’s method of cancer treatment is a unique approach that significantly differs from typical cancer therapy. While modern chemotherapy, radiation and surgery are somewhat effective, none of these treatments focus on the cause of the malignancy. What makes Universal’s methodology more effective than others is the fact that it endeavors to address all of the medical issues, including therapeutic treatment with radiation and chemotherapy as needed, plus elimination and correction of the causes of the cancer, and most importantly, rebuilding the body’s immune system to a point whereby it can effectively fight the disease.

CEOCFOinterviews: Mr. Hankin, please tell us how Universal Healthcare Management Systems’ approach to cancer care differs from conventional treatments?

Mr. Hankin: “If you take a look at the statistics of cancer therapy in the United States, I would say we are no better off today than we were thirty or forty years ago. The five-year survival rates are basically the same for the major forms of cancer such as lung, breast, prostate, colon, etc. What we are looking to do is make a dramatic change in that and in order to do that, we have had to use a three-pronged approach to cancer. Mainstream therapy goes after cancer with one approach only, which is to attack symptoms, and the symptoms of cancer are tumors. They have a good approach; between chemotherapy, surgery and radiation, they have been able to extend peoples lives, but to a limited degree. If you don’t get rid of the cause, which is one of the second prongs in our approach, why should the cancer go away? I don’t care if it has been removed in surgery, and if the patient was given chemo and radiation; if you did not get rid of what caused it to begin with, it will come back; it might not be immediately, but ten years later the person has cancer again. The third prong, besides working with the correction of the body and deciding why the cancer was allowed in, is the immune system.  We are considering the wellness of the whole being, which means get rid of the causes of the cancer and build-up the immune system so that it will fight the cancer keeping the person alive and healthy.”

CEOCFOinterviews: Is it the mainstream feeling that we don’t know the cause of most cancers?

Mr. Hankin: “No! That is not true at all. The National Institute of Health and the National Cancer Institute have admitted it, but I don’t know if mainstream therapy wants to go along with it. You have to understand that cancer is a man-made disease; this is not nature creating the disease such as a bacterial infection or a viral infection.  Statistics that come out of the National Cancer Institute show fifty percent of all cancers are caused by what we eat; one third of all cancers are caused by smoking.   Put those two together and you have 83% of all cancer. Do you want the other17%? It is by things that you touch, breathe, drink, bad habits that you have with your body. We create the disease and we do a spectacular job. We tell people that they should no longer eat grains because grains cause disease. The bible says the staff of life is bread and it isn’t, it is the bane of our existence and a disease causing food.”

CEOCFOinterviews: What are you planning to do in your cancer centers and how will you get people to understand your concept?

Mr. Hankin: “It isn’t an easy task to get this accomplished and it isn’t an easy task to tell people that they have to make an enormous life-style change. People have gone along for forty or fifty or sixty years, living a certain way, and now we have to tell them that they have to change it or they will die. They have to be willing to eat a proper diet and drink proper fluids and stop breathing improper things. The way we plan on growing for the first few years is acquisition only. We just made a purchase of a cancer center just outside of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. We will try over the next two years to purchase a minimum of fifty cancer centers or more around the country. Once we have those cancer centers, which we call satellite centers, we will then start developing primary therapeutic centers. The difference between the two is quite extensive – the typical cancer center that we buy out, specializes in radiation therapy, and sometimes they do a little chemotherapy. What we will be doing at our primary care centers is enormous in scope, because it will cover everything that is involved in the field of cancer. It will be all therapeutic modalities, chemo, radiation therapy, brachytherapy, seed implants, etc. These are all methods that attack the tumor.

In addition to conventional cancer treatments, we will be setting up an alternative medicine division at our cancer centers, whereby we will be letting patients work with integrative medicine physicians, nutritionists and herbologists.  Patients will be utilizing proven herbs and medicines that take and attack cancer in a different fashion such as changing their diets so that they will be eating nutrients that will be absorbed into their bodies, as well as cleansing their liver so that it functions properly and purifies their blood and their intestinal track so that they have proper digestion. This is a long process to put a person through, but it does function well and it does work. We will also be putting into each one of those centers, a highly skilled psychologist that is trained in how to teach people to cope with a life threatening disease such as cancer; this will be given free to all the patients and it will be available to them so that if they have to go there for ten hours or so, with friends and family to talk with this person, they will be able to do it one-on-one. We must have the person with a proper mental attitude and the mind-set that they are going to win the battle. You have seen on television, one time or another, that a particular person was sick and the doctors wrote them off saying there wasn’t anything more they could do for them, and lo and behold the person survived because their will was so strong that it kept them alive. We need that attitude with the person because that could be 20% of the battle and it could mean the difference between surviving or not surviving.

We also will offer a full rehab type center for physical rehabilitation with the cancer patient; some of them aren’t very mobile, but we want their bodies to start getting active and their muscles to start functioning again, which will get their organs going and get the whole body participating and fighting the disease. We will also have a complete screening and diagnostic center with every piece of equipment that is available today, from CAT scanners, and various types of MRI and CT scanners and mammography etc. It will be a very comprehensive type of cancer center. Where the satellites that we buy can cost two or three million dollars, these centers will cost us at least twenty-five million dollars to develop. These satellites will work in conjunction with the primary center and this is how we plan on developing the company, with acquisitions and then putting in our primary center. Then put the patients through this intensive lifestyle change so that they can rid their body of cancer.”

CEOCFOinterviews: What are you looking for in terms of location?

Mr. Hankin: “That is a very difficult question because when you build a center for 25 million dollars, you need to make sure that your demographics are correct. That is an expensive process and you could very easily spend one hundred thousand dollars trying to say “this is where we should put the center” and you still might not be correct. This is why we are in the acquisition mode. If you buy out a cancer center that is successful, it doesn’t matter what the demographics say, you have a business that is successful and making money; its profitable and whether the demographics were right or wrong, it is irrelevant. When we buy three or more satellites that are in a thousand to 1,200 square mile area; we know that is demographically where we are going to put a primary center, and we know that we don’t have to then do the demographic studies because we are surrounded by three, four, five or six centers that are all successful.”

CEOCFOinterviews: Since you are building a primary center, why do you need the satellite centers?

Mr. Hankin: “I want you to understand the concept of the satellite center, which is that even though they only do radiation therapy, they are a necessity because a cancer patient has to go anywhere from four to eight weeks for radiation therapy on a daily basis five days a week. The only reason we are dealing with these is so that the patient has the convenience of having a center within a few miles of their house. If it weren’t for the fact that a patient had to go daily, then it wouldn’t matter if they drove fifty miles to our primary center, but to have to do that on a daily basis, is too much. That is why we have the satellite centers to do the radiation therapy on a daily basis and we build the primary center, which works in conjunction with those satellite centers.”
CEOCFOinterviews: How you are able to make the acquisitions that you need?  Is there a large turnover in owner of these centers?

Mr. Hankin: “Many of these are owned by a doctor, a radiation oncologist, with 3-6 employees. There are 1,200 of these free standing cancer centers around the United States. You have an enormous number of these radiation oncologists owning these centers that are 60-65 years old. They are looking for an exit strategy of how they can retire in the next couple of years.   The oncologists’ thoughts:  If I liquidate it I will bring back a half a million to a million dollars. If I sell it as an on-going business, I will bring back maybe two million dollars; I don’t want to lose one to one-and-a-half million, so what is my exit strategy? Along comes Universal Healthcare providing the exit strategy. We will buy them out as an ongoing business. Obviously they need to sign an employment contract with us, because we want them to stay on and run the center, but they can ease out in a few years. We will have brought in new trained medical oncologists to take and run that particular center and it will give us developmental time. There are many radiation oncologists looking for their retirement exit strategy a few years down the road.”

CEOCFOinterviews: This whole process you have outlined is a very expensive process, how do you fund all of this?

Mr. Hankin: “That is why we became a public company. We started three or four years ago putting this together conceptually – on how we make this grow and how do we actually let a person rid their body of cancer. We knew from a monetary point of view that this was going to be extremely expensive. We made the decision to become a public entity to be able to raise the funds, and decided that we should become a public entity before we start developing the company because it is a long process. The fraud that was put into the stock market by the Andersons and MCIs and Enrons, etc. has resulted in the SEC and NASD making it harder to become a public company. What we should have been able to accomplish in eight months, took us two years. Finally, we got over that hurdle and we are a public company and we are now in the process of developing and building a company. Yes, it takes public funds and investment to build this company and I believe we will be successful and that people will invest in the company. When people see the results, I expect us to be the major factor in cancer therapy in the United States by the year 2010.”

CEOCFOinterviews: How has the investment community reacted and how does being a public company help you in raising funds?

Mr. Hankin: “Anyone who has read our business plan has fallen in love with the company. We have been a doctor-based company and 75-95% of our investments have been from doctors, which I think is phenomenal because it is saying that the medical community has faith in this. If the doctors and the medical community have faith in us, I think the people at-large should also. We have only started trading for a couple of months, and obviously, you don’t start the world on fire in a few months. We haven’t even really started to promote the company at all; our first public announcement was made just before Christmas regarding the cancer center that we acquired. Sometime by the end of January, we are going to start promoting the company to make public awareness of who we are and what we want to accomplish.”

CEOCFOinterviews: What are your challenges going forward and how are you ready to meet them?

Mr. Hankin: “Our challenges are not competition because the competition is strictly going after the tumor with radiation, chemo, surgery, etc. and while we will also be doing that, the challenges are really the patients and how much they are willing to want to survive and make the lifestyle changes in order to survive in this world. An item such as a starch, particularly the potato, is eaten, as one third of all the vegetable consumption in the United States and probably the majority of it is the French fried potato. However, people have no idea how carcinogenic a French fried potato is. It is not the potato by itself, but it is the starch when it undergoes 350 degrees of temperature, the chemical acrylamide is created, and it is carcinogenic. Have the potato boiled at 212 degrees and it is not carcinogenic. Now we have to convince a person that has cancer that they can’t eat French fries and that is a rough job because they have been raised on them.  Our biggest problem is how great is the will to survive.”

CEOCFOinterviews: Do you foresee a time when you will be treating people on a preventative basis?

Mr. Hankin: “I would much prefer that! For example, breast cancer isn’t something that just all of a sudden appears in a woman, but something that takes years to develop and I would prefer to test a woman with thermography and see that there is a potential development there, that maybe five years down the road she will have breast cancer, and change her lifestyle so that her body rids it, than to have to work with her with full-blown cancer. It is much easier to prevent disease than it is to cure it. That is why our alternative medicine side of the fence will be working in two directions; one to work on prevention and the other to have their body help rid them of disease. People are looking for a magic pill to take away their cancer, and a million years from now that pill won’t exist; there are too many types of cancer. There are over 1000 types and everybody has different DNA. Just because something worked on one person doesn’t mean it is going to work on someone else. Lifestyle change could be that magic pill. What you do with your body, the food you consume, what you smoke, the things that you breathe, the things that you drink, they control your health. It is going to be a rough job to educate people. Believe it or not, the biggest blame for a lot of this is the U.S. government putting out a food pyramid that is upside-down.”

CEOCFOinterviews: Once the centers are up and running is medical reimbursement for the alternative treatments a problem for Universal?

Mr. Hankin: “It is, and then it isn’t. When it comes to radiation and chemotherapy – that is reimbursed. Cancer is about fifty percent with Medicare and the rest is with private insurance companies. When it comes to alternative therapy, and things that should be done to boost immune system, I can’t say that Medicare or insurance companies are truly involved. It is much less costly than the other treatments, but they don’t like to get involved in reimbursement. However there is a new thing that has come out that I signed us up for, which is called the ABC Codes. These are alternative medicine billing codes. This is a two-year project that has started, whereby you get to bill your alternative medicines to Medicare and the insurance companies with a code, which has never existed before. Now, there is no guarantee, but there are billing codes for it. You have to take a look at how people in this country are opposed to medicine the way it is and want alternative medicine therapies. Billions of dollars are being spent annually for this and sooner or later alternative therapies will be reimbursed.”

CEOCFOinterviews: How far along are you with the first center opening?

Mr. Hankin: “Our first center is currently closed and we are preparing to change the equipment. A 5-7 year-old car is not necessarily an old car or a piece of junk, but in cancer therapy, there has been so much advancement in the past six years, that equipment that is older than that is really not state-of-the-art. We are removing old equipment and putting in state-of-the-art equipment and that takes about two to three months. We are looking to have the center open sometime in March of this year to start treating patients.”

CEOCFOinterviews: How does your passion translate into successful business development? How does the potential investor make that leap?

Mr. Hankin: “One of things that you have to consider is what is the leadership of the company and I doubt that anybody could find better if they searched the world. We have people that have been former president of the American Medical Association, president of World Medical Association, president of the American Cancer Society, advisors to the National Cancer Institute. One of the doctors is the president and CEO of Detroit Medical Center; one of the largest hospital complexes in the world. Two of our doctors have had presidential appointments to oversee healthcare for the United States. A president is not going to appoint a doctor to oversee healthcare unless advisors say, “If you want to get the best doctor this is he or she. One of our doctors is one of the most brilliant women in the world; she has a doctorate and PhD.” Leadership is the foundation and the root system on which a tree gets to grow. What we have as a company is the finest root system you could have. There will be stormy weather and if you don’t have a strong root system, strong winds can blow you over. We are deeply entrenched and we will survive and grow. What is going to wind up being the clincher is when people see that they are walking with their body rid of cancer – that is all it is going to take. People have to make the decision of whether they are willing to go through all the necessary lifestyle changes and do what is required in order to be free of cancer. If the answer is ‘yes’ you survive, if it is ‘no’ you become one of the five-year statistics.”

CEOCFOinterviews: Why hasn’t this been tried before?

Mr. Hankin: “It has been tried on small scales, and usually when it is tried, you have some government organization coming after you to shut you down; especially if they are pro-pharmaceutical chemicals. There was a survey done of the medical oncologists in Canada, and they were all asked if a loved one or dear friend of yours had cancer, would you administer chemotherapy drugs?  86% of those doctors said they would not because they were too ineffective and too toxic. Chemotherapy has its place, but it isn’t the cure-all that it is made out to be.

What you have to understand is we are not going to be curing people of cancer; we are going to be putting them in the position whereby their body can rid it of cancer. I don’t know if anybody is going to live long enough to cure cancer. Curing cancer means you gave them a pill or radiation and it is gone and it is out of their body, but you have to get rid of the cause and we are going to give them all the weapons to fight back. When you were a kid you got a cold and 3 or 4days later it was gone and as you get older it takes 5 or 6 days and when you become very old it might take 7 or 8; your immune system is starting to fail and it doesn’t respond as well. What we are doing is trying to put the body back to the position of when you were a 20-year-old with your immune system functioning well. It is fighting and getting rid of disease and we are eliminating the causes, which are many. You have no idea how many things you do on a daily basis that help cause cancer to grow.”

CEOCFOinterviews: In closing, what would you like to say to potential investors that they might not realize when they look at the company?

Mr. Hankin: “I think it is important that they look at the stock valuation that we have on the company. Even though the valuation was done a year ago, there haven’t been major changes in it, so updating it would be minor. If they look at the present value of what the stock is, and look at the potential future value, although no one can guarantee the future value, but based on fulfillment of the stock plan, and the methods that the stock valuators use, there is a substantial difference between present day and future value. That amount of difference is where money is made. If people are walking away after treatment and they have rid their body of cancer – that is worth its weight in gold. I don’t know of any cancer center or hospital or clinic in the United States that has ever cured people from cancer, and how many can walk away and say they are survivors? The five-year survival rate today and from 1960 are about the same, so what advancement have we made? Not much.

Fifty percent of all the men and one third of all the women in the United States will have cancer before they die. We have made extremely expensive sophisticated equipment, and beyond that we charge more, but we haven’t extended life. There are certain cancers that were a death sentence that are no longer a so, but they are a small amount of the types of cancers. It used to be for a man that if he was told that he had testicular cancer, it was a death sentence, but today it isn’t the worst thing in the world. Let’s look at the percentage of cancers in America, testicular – it is miniscule, but the cancers that are important such as lung cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, and colon cancer, those statistics are the same. We will do the same as the medical mainstream in getting rid of the tumor, but then provide your body with the ability to fight it. If you don’t fight it you won’t win. You have to fight it. The irony of it all is the methodologies that we would use to let your body rid itself of cancer, rids your body of cardiovascular disease and diabetes at the same time. You will get your body back to the position where you got rid of all the major causes of death; the top three to five major causes of death in the United States, and you will be free of them. You might even live to 120 years of age in spectacular health.”


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