Sunshine Biopharma, Inc. (SBFM - OTC: BB)

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March 4, 2011 Issue

The Most Powerful Name In Corporate News and Information


Sunshine Biopharma’s Lead Compound is a Topoisomerase II inhibitor – Which is One of the Most Important Targets for Treating Aggressive Cancer

Company Profile:

Sunshine Biopharma, Inc. is a pharmaceutical company focused on the research, development and commercialization of drugs for the treatment of various forms of cancer.

Sunshine Biopharma's product pipeline is presently comprised of one product, Adva-27a, for treatment of aggressive cancers. The Company is planning to expand its product line through acquisitions and/or in-licensing as well as through in-house research & development.

Dr. Steve N. Slilaty
Chairman and CEO

Dr. Steve N. Slilaty is an accomplished scientist and a highly skilled business executive. He received his Bachelor of Science at Cornell University and completed his Ph.D. in Molecular Biology & Biochemistry at the University of Arizona. He is currently President & CEO of Sunshine Biopharma and has an appointment as Adjunct Professor at Universite du Quebec. Dr. Slilaty is a leader in the bioscience industry and is referenced in editorials, reviews and textbooks. His extensive contributions to science included the discovery of a new class of enzymes (S24) and the development of key technology for the Human Genome Project. With a passion for medicine, he founded three biotech companies and took one public. The company he took public, Genomics One Corporation reached $1 billion market cap. At Sunshine Biopharma Dr. Slilaty is working with the same determination as he pioneers a path towards the discovery of groundbreaking drugs for the treatment of aggressive forms of cancer.

Drug Development

Sunshine Biopharma, Inc.
2015 Peel Street, 5th Floor
Montreal, Quebec H3A 1T8 Canada
Phone: 514-764-9698


Interview conducted by: Lynn Fosse, Senior Editor,, Published – March 4, 2011

Dr. Slilaty, what is your main focus at Sunshine Biopharma?

Dr. Slilaty: Sunshine Biopharma is focused on the research, development and commercialization of drugs for the treatment of various forms of cancer.

CEOCFO: What kind of drug are you working on and what is different about it?

Dr. Slilaty: At present our lead compound is a Topoisomerase II inhibitor.  Topoisomerase II is one of the most important targets for treating aggressive cancer.

CEOCFO: How are you attacking the problem?

Dr. Slilaty: Topoisomerase II is an enzyme that aggressive cancer cells make too much of. When the cell is able to make a lot of the Topoisomerase II enzyme, it becomes able to proliferate and metastasize; so, if you can inhibit or destroy the activity of Topoisomerase II, you would then be able to prevent cancer cells from spreading.

CEOCFO: Are there other treatments now or is this a new way of looking at the problem?

Dr. Slilaty: There are treatments, there is a drug that is considered to be a Topoisomerase II inhibitor, but it actually doesn’t work as such. Our drug, Adva-27a, is ten times more effective than any drug on the market for treating aggressive cancer.

CEOCFO: Where are you in the process of development?

Dr. Slilaty: We have done a lot of preclinical testing and we are now positioned to begin doing animal studies and immediately after begin stage I clinical trials.

CEOCFO: Is there a particular type of cancer that you are targeting first, and why?

Dr. Slilaty: Initially we are working on the so-called multi-drug resistant breast cancer. In a certain group of breast cancer patients, as well as over time in a lot of cancer patients, the tumor becomes resistant to all treatment and at that point there is not much to do by way of existing therapy. Our drug works extremely well in killing multi-drug resistant breast cancer cells. That is our first indication.

CEOCFO: How did you come about the drug?

Dr. Slilaty: We developed it ourselves in collaboration with a government research lab in France.

CEOCFO: Where is testing being done?

Dr. Slilaty: We have done testing in France and now we are carrying out testing at the Binghamton University in New York.

CEOCFO: What is the financial picture like for Sunshine Biopharma?

Dr. Slilaty: We are in good shape. We have sufficient funds to operate and we are planning to apply for support through granting agencies in the U.S. through our collaboration with Binghamton University.

CEOCFO: Has the medical community started to pay attention or is it a bit early for that?

Dr. Slilaty: It is a bit early because we have not publicized what we have yet.

CEOCFO: Are you looking to partner or at what point would you perhaps go from doing it on your own to adding some other sources?

Dr. Slilaty: We imagine that at the end of Phase I, once we publish the results of human trials, we expect that large pharmaceutical companies will want to probably step in and buy it from us at that point.

CEOCFO: Are there other indications that you are considering?

Dr. Slilaty: Another indication we are looking to study is prostate cancer and as with breast cancer, our drug has proven to be very effective in treating aggressive forms of prostate cancer. That would be a second indication.

CEOCFO: Is here a similarity between the two types of cancer?

Dr. Slilaty: The similarity is that different types of cancer cells make different amounts of this Topoisomerase II enzyme. The more Topoisomerase II the cell makes, the more effective our drug is at killing that cell. What that means is when prostate cancer become metastatic, which is when the cell starts making a lot of Topoisomerase II, is when our drug becomes very effective in treating that cancer. There are other types of cancer, like small cell lung cancer where initially, or right at the point of diagnosis of this type of cancer, the cell is already making a lot of Topoisomerase II and it is very aggressive at the onset. In fact, patients that are diagnosed with small cell lung cancer only have three to six months to live. We have already shown in the lab that our drug works extremely well in terms of killing this type of lung cancer cells.

CEOCFO: What is the timetable?

Dr. Slilaty: We believe that we will be able to begin the human trials optimistically about twelve months from now, but more realistically within the next eighteen months.

CEOCFO: Why should potential investors choose Sunshine Biopharma out of the crowd?

Dr. Slilaty: Our technology is unique. We are the only company that has a Topoisomerase II inhibitor. We have two patents covering our lead compound and our technology. So from the intellectual property side we are very well protected and no one can enter the area we are in. We are not developing anything that is a so-called me-too drug; our technology is unique.

CEOCFO: So there is a potential real breakthrough here!

Dr. Slilaty: Absolutely! If our drug proves to do in humans exactly what we think, it will be worth over a billion dollars.

CEOCFO: Final thoughts, what should people remember most when they read about Sunshine Biopharma?

Dr. Slilaty: We are a very serious group of oncologists who are trying to provide therapy to save lives and bring value to our shareholders.


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Topoisomerase II is an enzyme that aggressive cancer cells make too much of. When the cell is able to make a lot of the Topoisomerase II enzyme, it becomes able to proliferate and metastasize; so, if you can inhibit or destroy the activity of Topoisomerase II, you would then be able to prevent cancer cells from spreading. - Dr. Steve N. Slilaty does not purchase or make
recommendation on stocks based on the interviews published.